Trip Planner
Weather Info
Weather temperature ranges from 50-70 degrees F.
Weather temperature ranges from 50-75 degrees F.
Weather temperature ranges from 42-62 degrees F.
Weather temperature ranges from 25-52 degrees F.
Due to unpredictable weather, DOA Outfitters reserves the right to change hunt plans according to the weather. For example, after a snow/rainstorm, we will not be field shooting, because of mud problems, creating unnecessary tension with land owners. Instead we will be pass shooting, or duck hunting over water.
What to Bring for Waterfowl Hunts
Included in your stay: Accommodations (Duck Mountain Motel in Kamsack, SK) and equipment (blinds and decoys).
Shot Gun Shells Available!
- 3" #2, BB - $15/USD/Box
- 3 1/2" #2, BB - $20/USD/Box
Please let us know if you would like us to get your ammo.
Not included in Waterfowl Hunts: Food (we eat in town at local restaurants), Bird Cleaning ($100 USD for week), Bird Hunting License (approx $150 USD)